Protecting the local landscape from inappropriate development
Sara Boland (Director, Influence) was appointed by Northampton Borough Council to appear as an Expert Witness in relation to their decision to refuse an application for a large commercial development on the southern edge of Northampton. The proposed development was refused in part, due to the adverse impact on the landscape character and sensitive visual receptors.
Working with Marrons Planning, the team put forward the case that the scale and design of the proposals were inappropriate to the landscape setting on this edge of town location, in proximity to the Grand Union Canal, a key Green Infrastructure link, Ladybrooke Park a locally valued amenity space with formal sports pitches and the network of public rights of way linking from Northampton suburban area into the wider Northamptonshire country.
The landscape case involved gaining a clear understanding of the new Green Infrastructure Plan produced by NBC, the policies of the Core Strategy and detailed and extensive field survey work including the introduction and assessment of new viewpoint locations.
Following a four day inquiry the Inspector concluded that the impact on the landscape and visual resource of the area outweighed the balance in planning terms and dismissed the Appeal upholding the Northampton Borough Council’s decision.