Infrastructure Partnership – Sea Change Sussex

Boosting the local economy through design

Influence have acted as landscape advisers to Sea Change Sussex, a not-for-profit economic development company for the county since 2011. The Sea Change Sussex role is to work to expand the area’s economy, their main focus is to develop a portfolio of prestigious commercial property – offices, business parks and sites for businesses from small firms to big corporations. They do this through the provision of infrastructure and built development.

Providing landscape planning and landscape design services, Influence have advised and developed proposals offering the following services:

Arboriculture, Feasibility and Concept Development, Landscape Design,
Landscape/Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Masterplanning and Urban Design

Sites include: North East Bexhill Gateway Road, Bexhill Enterprise Park, Glovers House – Business Centre, North Bexhill Access Road and Queensway Gateway Road – Hastings.

Sea Change Sussex
Arboriculture Feasibility and Concept Development Landscape Design Landscape/Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment Masterplanning and Urban Design
East Sussex
Commercial and Mixed Use
N0244(03)001 - Queensway Gateway Landscape Masterplan FinalBexhill Enterprise Park - Indicative Masterplan ColourSea Change Sussex - Print file