Planning permission secured for a new biogas plant
In 2014 we were appointed to provide a landscape design concept, soil storage strategy and restoration scheme for a new Anaerobic Digestion Biogas Plant at Icknield Farm, South Oxfordshire.
Influence was appointed to contribute a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) and landscape mitigation strategy to the planning application. With planning permission now granted, Influence’s Ian Morton and Michal Nowak are working closely with the client and the wider design team. The first plant of its kind in the area, Icknield is located in open countryside within the Chilterns, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
Key aspects of the development include its relationship to the surrounding landscape character and its potential impact on views from residential properties and public footpaths. By introducing new screening bunds and reinforcing existing landform features, our proposals are sympathetic and consistent with the broader context of the site. Our proposals were developed further to include an integrated phased restoration scheme, which will be implemented upon the eventual decommissioning of the plant.
To find out more, please read our Icknield Farm case study.