Lincolnshire Peace Garden ‘Field of Remembrance’ comes to fruition
The first flush of wild flowers at the International Bomber Command Memorial Park are now resplendent across the site.
Wild flowers including poppies and species of local provenance lie in carpets between the Memorial Walls bearing the names of those loved and lost from the 27 Lincolnshire stations of Bomber Command.
The Lincolnshire Peace Garden sits within the expansive surroundings of the Lincolnshire landscape, surrounded by agricultural fields to the south and the City’s South Common to the north. Brilliant views of the City and Cathedral are afforded from this special place.
Remembrance Day poppies adorn the walls where people have paid their respects to loved ones.
To view the Lincolnshire Peace Garden and wild flowers in bloom, book on a guided tour. Available dates are listed online: Tours are limited to 40 people so booking is essential and can only be made via email:
Places are still available throughout the summer months. There is no charge for the tour but donations are kindly requested towards this worthy cause.